Earning the accolade as the second best regional destination in the world* Taranaki offers a smorgasbord of treats for visitors. The broad spectrum of activities caters for those hankering for adventure and also those with a passion for the arts.
The landscape is dominated by the imposing but beautiful Mount Taranaki as well as rugged and sweeping black sand surf beaches.
Mount Taranaki is one of the most accessible alpine areas on the planet. There are numerous day walks, including the stunning Wilkies Pools or majestic Dawson Falls. For the more energetic is the climb to the summit or the iconic and rewarding Pouakai Crossing.
Taranaki boasts internationally regarded surf spots dotted around the coast, cliff-top golf courses and New Plymouth’s renowned coastal walkway.
For the explorer is the Forgotten Highway, a journey into Taranaki’s heartland with echoes of its pioneering past.
Taranaki is also host to the globe-trotting musical phenomenon WOMAD, staged on the grassy slopes of picturesque Pukekura Park, a stunning 52 hectare botanical garden in the centre of New Plymouth.
The region harbours a strong artistic streak, regularly hosting international acts and spotlighting home grown talent while at the heart of the Taranaki arts scene is the innovative Govett-Brewster Art Gallery/Len Lye Centre.
Also worth a mention are Taranaki’s vibrant and enviable hospitality scene and overall warmth and welcoming stance taken by the locals.
New Plymouth is approximately a 50 minute flight from either Auckland or Wellington while a direct flight to and from Christchurch is also available.
*Lonely Planet crowned Taranaki the second best regional destination in the world in 2017.
See the Official Visitor website for Taranaki for more information.